Scandyna CinePod

Scandyna CinePod

型 號: CinePod
銷售價: $4,950.00

Designed to be used in expanding or creating a multi-channel audio system, the CinePod is the voice box of the Scandyna family. The most important loudspeaker in a home theatre system, the centre channel is responsible for around 70% of any movie soundtrack, so it has to be capable, agile and responsive.
Made to the same exacting standards and voiced to match the other speakers in the Scandyna range, the CinePod features the same drive unit technology as the MiniPod IIs and perfectly exemplifies the need for true tonal balance when building a Scandyna home theatre system.
The CinePod can be positioned on a shelf, placed on a desktop or television. When combined with any of the Scandyna range, the CinePod adds the finishing touch to a truly breathtaking home theatre system.


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